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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

1.  Childhood Tragedy (00:53)
2.  Vampires (03:05)
3.  What Do You Hate? (01:15)
4.  Power Comes From Truth (02:28)
5.  You Are Full Of Surprises (01:15)
6.  Mary Todd (01:55)
7.  The Horse Stampede (03:14)
8.  Henry Sturgess (00:54)
9.  Adam (01:27)
10.  Rescue Mission (01:14)
11.  Inauguration (01:52)
12.  All Slave To Something (02:48)
13.  Emancipation (00:44)
14.  Haunted By The Past (02:59)
15.  Battle At Gettysburg (00:49)
16.  Forging Silver (01:39)
17.  80 Miles (01:51)
18.  The Burning Bridge (03:40)
19.  Not The Only Railroad (01:37)
20.  The Gettysburg Address (02:21)
21.  Late To The Theater (01:59)
22.  The Rampant Hunter (05:30)

'ViVa_Soundtrack > viva_A-B-C-D-E' 카테고리의 다른 글

Dark Shadows (2012)  (0) 2012.06.28
Cocoon (1985)  (0) 2012.06.24
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)  (0) 2012.06.11
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)  (0) 2012.06.06